New Home Heating Product Can Save Consumers Up To 40% Off Annual Energy Bills

New Home Heating Product Can Save Consumers Up To 40% Off Annual Energy Bills

New Home Heating Product Can Save Consumers Up To 40% Off Annual Energy Bills

 – The dark days of the ‘Immersion Wars’ are over –

The revolution of the Irish household is here – the dark days of the ‘Immersion Wars’ are over. No longer will families argue over who left the immersion on or having to take a cold shower when the hot water runs out.

A new product called KRIB has been launched to the Irish market, providing hot water on demand without turning on the heating or the immersion.

KRIB, the first of its kind in the world, is a revolutionary smart-home device that saves you money because it only heats the water you need. It also allows you to control the “zones” in your house and just heat the rooms that you are in at any given time.  You can cut approximately 40% off the cost of your space heating and hot water bills by using KRIB – for most households, that is a saving of up €200 per year.

The fully patented product has been developed by brother and sister team, Terry Madigan and Sophie Madigan from Dublin.

Thanks to its intelligent control system, KRIB fills the cylinder with hot water from the top down, instead of bottom up (convection), therefore only heating the water you need.

Terry explains, “Traditionally, when you needed hot water, you had to wait over an hour for your entire cylinder to heat up. KRIB completely changes this model – instead of wastefully heating an entire cylinder of water when you might only need enough for one quick shower, KRIB allows you to select how much water you need and then heats that amount in a matter of minutes.

This means that consumers save money all while doing their bit for the environment by reducing water consumption and saving energy.”

While developing KRIB, the sibling duo tested the product with people of all ages to make sure it’s as simple and user-friendly as possible.

Terry adds, “KRIB makes it simple for people to control their heating and hot water with an easy to use wall-mounted 5-inch touchscreen control panel or from anywhere with the KRIB smartphone app - so, for example, if you’re rushing home from work and have only half an hour to change before heading out again, you can use KRIB from your mobile to make sure there is hot water for your shower by the time you get home.”

The system also works with multi-zones in homes and businesses, which allows each room and area to be treated as a separate heating zone, with its own unique temperature.

Terry mentions that the creation of KRIB was motivated by the desire to find ways to develop innovative solutions for more efficient heating of buildings.

“With KRIB we’re building on a family legacy because our dad and grandad were both involved in home heating and plumbing industries over the past 60 years so we’re delighted to be bringing our combined knowledge into the 21st century. About five years ago I had the Eureka moment when I realised that reversing the flow of water and heating it in discrete volumes using a highly efficient heat exchanging device was exactly what the market needed. This was simple and yet revolutionary,” says Terry.

KRIB caters for all types of households from small to large families, house shares, couples and single households, as well as businesses of all sizes. With KRIB, there is no need to change the boiler, tank or heating system. It can easily be retrofitted to existing systems.

Understanding that all homes and businesses have different requirements at different times, KRIB provides three product options to suit these different needs starting from €469 (incl. VAT).

In addition, all homeowners, including landlords, whose homes were built before 2006 can apply for a SEAI Better Energy Homes Grant to the value of up to €700, which can be used to offset the cost of the product, so it is a win-win with KRIB.

Sophie Madigan, who joined forces with her brother to drive the launch of KRIB, says, “We are excited to finally launch KRIB to the market. We’re looking forward to hearing about the huge benefits that our customers will experience with the product while also knowing that we are helping them to do their bit for the environment.”

KRIB is an award-winning product, winning the 2017 Best Domestic Heating Product at the UK Heating & Ventilation Energy Awards and highly recommended at Ireland’s Plumbing and Heating Awards. It also boasts being nominated in four categories at the 2018 Energy Awards (the second most any other company has won).

KRIB will showcase to a global audience at the Enterprise Ireland stand at the SXSW Awards in Austin, Texas in March, one of the biggest trade shows showcasing the world’s cutting-edge technology, start-up ideas and digital trends. The product has also been made the alternate in the SXSW Innovation Awards, Speculative Design Category.

To find out more about KRIB please visit,

Sister and Brother, Sophie Madigan and Terence Madigan are pictured launching KRIB, a new revolutionary Irish product that they have developed that provides hot water on demand without turning on the heating or the immersion. KRIB, a first of its kind in the world, is a fully patented innovative smart-home device that saves households money because it only heats the water needed and within a matter of minutes. Thanks to its intelligent control system, KRIB fills the cylinder with hot water from the top down, instead of heating the whole cylinder bottom up (convection), therefore saving energy, reducing water consumption and lowering heating costs. For more information visit, 


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